History and Installation of “The Bastion”
The BC Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation (BCLEMF) was created as a “Not for Profit” registered foundation in 2003. The purpose of the Foundation was to create a Provincial Monument dedicated to those officers who lost their lives in active service to the citizens of BC. The BCLEMF saw this task completed in 2004 with “The Bastion” being unveiled in September 2004 by the Premier Gordon Campbell, Solicitor General Rich Coleman and a representative “Fallen Hero Family,” Mr. and Mrs. Ng (parents of Cst. Jimmy Ng) at the annual memorial event, on the grounds of the BC Legislature.

The original Honour Roll and Bastion contained 96 names in 2004. Since that time, the BCLEMF has continued to conduct research into the past events throughout British Columbia where circumstances involving the loss of a peace officer were not fully known. Today, there are 130 names inscribed on the Bastion. The BCLEMF has also maintained the up-to-date full “Honour Roll” including new tragic incidents that likewise claimed the lives of present day peace officers.
The BCLEMF has yearly retained responsibility for the review of new additions to The Bastion, ensuring present criteria are met in each incident as well as maintaining possession of the BC Law Enforcement Memorial Book where each name and incident is recorded.
As a non-profit society, monies raised from any source are maintained by a local Victoria Law Firm “In Trust” and are used to complete research, engrave new names and maintain “The Bastion” in perpetuity.
Honour Roll Criteria
An application form must be submitted for consideration in accordance with the following five guidelines:
- The deceased must have been a sworn police or peace officer in British Columbia “on Law Enforcement Duties” and died as a result of an external influence.
- The deceased must have been on duty at the time of death, or if off duty, acting in the capacity of a police or peace officer or the circumstances leading to the death must have been brought about because of the officer’s official status.
- The deceased officer must have acted in good faith in doing everything that could have been reasonably expected.
- Notwithstanding the above, any set of circumstances which led to the death of an officer, may be considered.
- The application must be approved by the organization or agency concerned and be submitted to “The BC Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation”.
The Bastion
The BC Law Enforcement Memorial known as “The Bastion” was unveiled and dedicated in 2004. The design had four panels representing different aspects and eras of Law Enforcement in British Columbia.

Select one of the Bastion panel images, then hover over it to zoom in.
Panel 1 – Dedication Panel
The dedication panel commemorates the sacrifice of all officers whose names appear on the columns. The main panel underscores the commitment and service to the public in BC that must remain the driving force behind each agency.
Panel 2 – Agency Panel and Panel 4 – Agency Panel
The second panel (clockwise) has the Coat of Arms of Canada and British Columbia in their respective orders of seniority, representing both the Federal and Provincial Law Enforcement agencies active in the province. The badges and crests that follow are the Law Enforcement agencies themselves that were active in British Columbia at the time the Bastion was unveiled. The badges follow their respective order of precedence by the year of their inception.
Panel 3 – Legacy and Heritage Panel
The third panel (clockwise) is dedicated to the many independent Law Enforcement agencies that no longer exist in BC, but proudly served their communities in years past. The badge of the B.C. Provincial Police was selected to represent those agencies. Over the many decades, the names of agencies have changed; amalgamations occur, but the underlying service even in the face of the ultimate sacrifice never fades.
Application and Instructions
Applications for an officer’s name to be added to the BC Law Enforcement Memorial can be submitted via the online application form. Application instruction are included on the form.
Anyone with possible information regarding a name missing from The Bastion or information related to a historical incident are asked to email the details to the BC Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation (jonathan.sheldan@vicpd.ca) for further research.